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A cyst is a pathological cavity lined by epithelium, containing fluid or semisolid material.

It can be found at different sites of the Head & Neck region with different origins;

-Odontogenic (teeth related),
-Non odontogenic (non-tooth related), and
-Non epithelial.

What are the clinical features of cysts?

– Maybe none.
– Swelling.
– Displacement of teeth.
– Increased mobility of teeth.
– Evidence of cause (missing or non vital tooth or infection).
– Rarely pathological bone fractures.

What is the treatment of cysts?

-Enucleation: A complete removal of the whole lesion.
-Marsupialisation: Keeping the cavity open until it’s resolved or became smaller to ease enucleation.

A close work with Head & Neck Pathologist (and sometimes Radiologist) might be necessary to reach the right diagnosis and treatment.

For more information regarding this treatment

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